I haven't been blogging much lately, but I feel like it's a really good thing. So I figured a really good way to get myself to keep blogging would be to blog about my obsession of the week.
Every week or so I develop a sort of fangirl-ish obsession over a celebrity, whether it be a writer or a singer or an actor or so on, and for that week, I basically stalk them. This stalking consists of spending hours watching youtube videos of them, listening to all their songs/watching all their films/reading all their books, etc. Also following them on all of my social networking accounts.
It's cool because I basically spend a week learning all about this person and admiring them and it's a good thing because I have developed a pretty wide knowledge of the people of Hollywood. People will read about someone on twitter and wonder who they are, and chances are I not only know who they are, but I know where they're from, how they got into the business, and what other things they have done.
Unfortunately, my obsessions usually tend to be of members of boy bands or something of the like, because I am a young woman and am prone to falling in love with young men.
So here's a little roundup of the past couple obsession.
Last week it was R5. R5 is a pop/rock band made up of 4 guys and one girl who are all related. The lead singer Ross Lynch is also an actor on Disney Channel. I don't remember how I came across them, but they are pretty good. They've got this upbeat pop sound, but not girly pop, it's got some rock to it. Not to mention they are all pretty attractive. Because I've got such an extensive knowledge of the Hollywood world, I was pretty excited to learn that they are the cousins of famous siblings Derek and Julianne Hough. Julianne is most known for her roles in Footloose and Safe Haven. Derek (who I personally am a HUGE fan of) is known for being a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars, which he was won a ton of times. Anyway, look them up, they're good.
This week's obsession is another band who I came across when looking for concert tickets to see R5. This summer R5 is performing in a show with a bunch of other bands and one, MKTO, I had never heard of before so I looked them up. I recognized lead singer Tony Oller as soon as I saw him. I think when I was in about 8th grade, Tony was on a Disney Channel show with Demi Lovato (before her So Random days) and Tony had sung in the show, so I knew his voice and his face because I really liked his singing. So now Tony is in MKTO with partner Malcolm Kelley. They are also pop/rock but with Hip Hop thrown in. Some songs are more pop and others are more hip hop, but they've got a really nice mix and Tony has an amazing voice.
So that's enough for now. Tune in next time for the next obsession. :)