If you do anything in your life, please pay attention to important societal issues.
My brother is an engineer, and today he was telling me about his elective course in sociology and how it is a waste of time. I asked him why it's a waste and he said "we talk about a different issue every class: sexuality, racial profiling, etc. We talk about it and then move on to a new topic and that's it. There's no point in it."
NO POINT? People don't understand how important it is to know about these big issues! He told me things like math are important. Math saves the world. You know what else saves the world? Human rights advocates who know about societal issues and fight for them.
Please just read the news. You don't even have to go on CNN. You can get the news on Facebook, Yahoo, Buzzfeed, even Tumblr. Seriously it's so important. Do you know what things are going on right now? There are STILL wars in the Middle East, women still make less money than men, gay marriage is being compared to marrying your pets, sexual abuse by professional athletes is being covered up, SO MANY THINGS. Things that are important for you to know about and be an active part of because these issues mean so much more to your life than algebra and chemistry ever will.
Please just know what's going on in the world and try to care about it, because believe it or not it affects you and will affect your friends and family and kids and will always be a part of your life no matter how much math you do.