25. In high school, you do homework. In college, you study.
Totally wrong. I do homework all the time. We all do homework. I also study. You do both in high school and both in college.
24. No food is allowed in the hall in high school. In college, food must be provided at an event before students will come.
It's more like alcohol. Students will do anything if there is alcohol included. Food definitely helps though.
23. In high school, you wear your backpack on one shoulder; in college, on both.
Truth. You should actually do it in high school too. It's so much better for your shoulders.
22. In college, the professors can tell you the answer without looking at the teacher’s guide.
True. But you don't really use lessons plans like in high school. A lot of classes are based on discussion, not cut and dry answers.
21. In college, there are no tardy slips.
No, but you can still get in trouble for being late. Some professors will take off points, others will just lock you out. But it's true that some don't care if you are late.
20. In high school, you have to live with your parents. In college, you get to live with your friends.
True, but don't think it's all fun and games. There's definitely times when you need space. It's more like you're living with yourself- that's the best way to do it. But you always have friends around which is great.
19. In college, you don’t have to wait in a certain lunch line to be cool.
That was a thing in high school? What?
18. Only nerds e-mailed in high school. (Cool kids hadn’t heard of it.)
Again, I'm not really sure what this means. But seriously, check your freaking email. You'll miss lots of important stuff if you don't. Use facebook too. I know it's not super cool anymore, but it's really useful to create pages for work and clubs and study groups.
17. In high school, you’re told what classes to take. In college, you get to choose; that is, as long as the classes don’t conflict and you have the prerequisites and the classes aren’t closed and you’ve paid your tuition.
You're still given a list of classes you need to take- but you get to choose among them. It's based on your major. I have to take 4 American History courses- but I can pick which 4 I want. And you get electives just like in high school. But yeah, you can't really take anything upper-level unless you took the 100 level.
16. In high school, if you screw up you can usually sweet-talk your way out of it. In college, you’re lucky to ever talk with the professor.
So not true. This is totally dependent on the type of school you go to. If you go to a small school, all the professors will know you. I'm great friends with my professors actually. If you go to a bigger school you might not know them all that well, but they will probably still have office hours so you will be able to talk to them.
15. In high school, fire drills are planned by the administration; in college, by the drunk frat boys on their way home when the bars close.
Actually, the school still has required fire drills in college. They have to. It's state law.
14. In college, any test consists of a larger percentage of your grade than your high school final exams ever did.
Again, not necessarily true. It's totally dependent on how the professor decides to run the class.
13. In high school, when the teacher said, “Good morning,” you mumbled back. In college, when the professor says, “Good morning,” you write it down.
Um, seriously what is this. I have a lot of classes that I don't take notes in, mostly because they are discussion based. The notes I take come from a lot of the reading that I do outside of class. Regardless...I wouldn't write down Good Morning.
12. In high school, freshman guys hit on senior girls. In college, senior guys hit on freshman girls.
True. But also everyone hits on everyone. It's not really about what grade/class you're in. Nobody pays attention to that.
11. In college, weekends start on Thursday.
This is only because it's really easy to make your schedule so that you don't have Friday classes. Yay college!
10. In college, it’s much more difficult to figure out the course schedule of the man/woman you have a crush on, in order to figure out where he/she will be walking around campus and at what time to find them there.
Pretty sure this is called stalking. Regardless, it's not totally true. I know where to find anyone on my campus, because I go to a small school. Every school is different.
9. Once you’ve obtained the information described in #10, it’s much more time-consuming to run between classes to that place where you know he/she will be in order to “just happen to bump into him/her.”
Again, not true for me since I go to a small college.
8. In college, there’s no one to tell you not to eat pizza three meals a day.
Truth. And there's pizza available at all hours of the day. Hence the freshmen 15.
7. In college, your dad doesn’t pay for dates.
Did your dad pay for dates in high school?
6. In high school, it never took 3 or 4 weeks to get money from Mom and Dad.
Get a job. Stop asking your parents for money. You're in college to learn how to be on your own. I have a job and so I have money when I need it.
5. College guys are cuter than high school boys.
Well duh.
4. College women are legal.
I don't like this because I believe it is suggesting something inappropriate...
3. In college, when you miss a class (or two or three), you don’t need a note from your parents saying you were skip….uh, sick that day.
No, but some professors will take points off unless you have a doctor's note so...
2. In high school, you can’t go out to lunch because it’s not allowed. In college, you can’t go out to lunch because you can’t afford it.
Well this is totally true.
1. In college, you can blow off studying by writing lists like this.
You can blow off anything. anytime. College means procrastination on a whole new level.
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