Saturday, August 1, 2015


I'm sorry. I want to be posting much more often, but that hasn't happened yet cuz I suck. (In all honesty I've been away the past couple weeks.)

So hopefully this is a topic you've all heard about. I want to talk about Cecil the Lion. If you haven't heard (then I'm glad you're reading this and learning something). So earlier this week, an American dentist killed a lion in Africa, which is illegal. First he and a group shot it with a crossbow and when that didn't work they did it with a gun. It wasn't long before the world found out what happened and went into uproar.

What you might not be aware of is the uproar over the responses to Cecil. Groups of minorities have been really upset that Cecil the Lion has gotten more attention. Specifically, I've seen a lot of anger from supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement that they feel Americans have gotten more upset about the death of a lion than the numbers of deaths of black Americans.

Ravyn Symone brought this up on the View, and said that she was upset by that response because she thinks that that's not fair to all the Americans that have stood up and spoken out about Black Lives Matter- that saying that undermines all the work they've done. At first I was like 'hell yeah Ravyn', because it's true. I do think it's not fair to say that people are not upset about Black Americans dying, because they are. But then I realized- Ravyn doesn't speak for the entire population, so I need to look at other perspectives. And you know what? Members of the black community do feel that people care more about a lion than about them, so even if it's not the case, that's the way they feel, which means America is doing something wrong.

Was killing Cecil horrible? Yes. But killing Americans is also horrible and should not be overlooked. So I encourage you to keep watching the news and reading online and keeping track of the horrible killings going on in America. Hopefully one day they'll stop.

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