Thursday, April 25, 2013

Robert Nozick

Have you ever heard of Robert Nozick? He was a famous philosopher in the later 1900's who is most famous for his idea of the Experience Machine. This idea consists of a machine that would allow a person to have any experience that he or she wants. He proposes and experiment in which people may choose to be inside a tank for two years where they will be hooked up to this machine, and they may pre-choose what experiences to have. Every two years the person will be unplugged in order to choose the next two years of experiences. 

Despite the chance of getting to experience any possible thing, so many people say they would not choose to plug into the machine. Why? The first reason often given is because no one would actually be having the experiences, only psychologically believing that they were. Another common reason is because there is no way to undergo any type of character develop when receiving experiences from a machine. Third, because there is no interaction with other people, only the conversations that occur inside the mind. 

I guess I will be the first person to make an honest claim. I would plug-in. Sure, everyone thinks they are being noble by saying they would rather live a full life. Bullshit. You all know that if you had the opportunity to take out all the pain and defeat in your life, and replace it will excitement and happiness, that you would do so in a heartbeat. If I got to live a year of lying on beaches, drinking fruit smoothies, skydiving, riding roller coasters, making best friends, and falling in love...then hell yeah I would do so. Even if it wasn't my body doing these things, I would never know the difference. I would have the same experience regardless.

The only downside? No shower for two years. I guess that's the price you pay. 

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